Life is the greatest gift one could ever ask for, mine is one I wouldn't trade for anything.. I love who I am and who I have in my life...


Monday, September 10, 2012

My Saving Grace

They say that having a baby only makes the relationship harder, but I feel like I may be the exception to that rule. I know that the baby isn't here yet so I cant say this for sure of course. I can say though that the further along I get the closer Zach and I become. He is the one thing in my life that doesn't stress me out or cause me to just start crying. There are moments where I get angry with him and then I realize that I'm just emotional and I need to calm down because there is no reason to over react. (My sister taught me well to realize when I'm the problem and I just need to walk away cause my hormones just suck right now haha) Beyond that factor of course, Zach makes me so happy and helps me get through these tough times. He just knows when something is wrong and wont even ask questions, he just makes some sort of comment he knows will make me smile and then will rub my shoulders or just let me lean on him for a minute. He truly is the most amazing man I have ever let into my life, besides my dad of course. I'm grateful to have him and everything he does for me.

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