Welp the world didn't end this year like the Mayans said so I have to say that I'm pretty happy about that. Means I have lots more time in my plate to accomplish more wonderful goals!
So I am sitting here watching the Dick Clark New Year's Eve special with chesty waiting for Zach to come home. I thought I was going to be alone for New Years and he still may miss midnight but the fact that he left Glamis early to be with me makes me even happier than I can describe! He truly has become the most amazing man ever and I can already tell he will be a great father as well. I have realized just how lucky I am already in life and how many more blessings I have to come.
Now that the year has come to an end I figured tonight was perfect to take a look back and remember everything that has happened in my messy life and make a record of it. So here goes!
Last year I spent New Year's Eve in Glamis and I kissed the one and only Zach Rossberg! Together we started a year that would change our lives in a way that neither one of us would have ever expected.
(HAPPY NEW YEAR TIMES SQUARE!!! Sorry it just happened so I had to note it :)
We spent plenty of time camping and boating with a great boating trip to lake mead and lots of weekends in Montana. This was a first for me, I had never truly been in Montana for longer then a drive though but now it feels almost like a second home. I completely love being there, it's such a beautiful escape and Keith's rock castle on the sparkly blue lake takes the cherry on the cupcake. We spent the week of the 4th of July there with lots of wonderful friends and family, only a few exceptions to that. I am looking forward to this next July, this year we will be spending it with an even bigger family!
That was the best part of the year, even though that was also the scariest part of the year. Finding out that I am having a baby... What a crazy thought I never thought would happen let alone happen with Zach. Had someone told me years ago that I would end up with him I would have thought there is no way then just laughed it off. Now I can not imagine being with anyone else. He has made me so happy and taught me to be comfortable with myself. I am now closer to my family then I ever have been and they adore Zach, which is completely a first. That I would have to say is the highlight of my year, I talk to my parents at least every other day when before it was every other week if that. Zach has brought out a side of me I never thought existed. I could not be more grateful to him for that.
During the past year I have worked for Brody and Jerry Bohn in a wonderful environment that I will always miss. Then I went to work very briefly for another sales company I'm sandy that was different but I still enjoyed it and I am very grateful for the people I met there. And now I work for the one and only Keith. And in accounting none the less! Ha I never thought that would happen, I have always done some accounting but now I run the show.... Not sure how that happened but I have to say I do love my job. It's a blast and I am actually pretty good at it too, plus Zach and I work in the same building and see each other daily and it doesn't seem to effect us at all which is wonderful.
Another big change was moving in with Zach but it was a great choice. I never went to my place anymore so it was pointless to pay for it and well Zachs bed is where I landed. Now we are working on his house and its going to be beautiful! It's been a very long project but we are so close to finishing!! The house is beyond gorgeous too, so many details and has the best of everything in it. I feel like a princess in this home it's that wonderful!
There were two engagements this year, Bridger popped the question to Payton back in February for valentines and they tattooed on their rings. Then on Christmas Eve Dante got down on one knee to ask Miss Rylee! It was the cutest thing and I was so excited for them both. I am looking forward to the weddings during the upcoming year!
Well I think those are the highlights to the year.. I have a few goals that I hope to keep this next year and here they are.....
1- Make it though pregnancy
2- Be a good mother and give my son what he needs
3- Make sure Zach feels loved and I share my attention with him
4- Blog more even if its just pictures
5- Facebook less and avoid people who bring negativity into my life
6- Be in amazing shape by the week of the 4th of July
7- Take full advantage of the training sessions with Nate
8- Cook great healthy meals for Zach and I
I think those are all great goals and enough for this next year.
Well only an hour and 15 minutes till midnight. I hope he makes it.. Happy New Years!!
Life is the greatest gift one could ever ask for, mine is one I wouldn't trade for anything.. I love who I am and who I have in my life...
Monday, December 31, 2012
Thursday, October 25, 2012
So my parents went out of town for a few days and Zach and I have been watching their two Min Pin's which just happens to be the same kind of dog Chesty is. We figured it was going to be interesting having 3 dogs in our small place and that they may not get along but they were great together. Chesty needs to start getting out more and having more play dates because he is starting to really become lazy and fat which is sad but I think he enjoys it, he is so spoiled and loves every bit of nonstop attention he gets. Well to help him start preparing for this baby to come we agreed to watch the other two dogs. Well he looked at the two of them like they were dogs and he was the master haha it was priceless! I just have to show pictures it makes me laugh but I loved having all three of them.
25 Weeks & Snow!
So I have have been growing and growing! I cant believe just how big I have gotten it makes me sad to say the least. But so long as this baby is healthy I know it will be worth it. (Well that is what I keep telling myself ha) but anyways yesterday was my 25 week point which makes me happy because it means I am 6 months down and three more to go!! Yay!! I cant wait for this little guy to get here it makes me so excited!!
My adorable belly button that I loved is no more... Its now poking out and feels so weird when it rubs against something, and looks very funny to say the least. But when I push it in I don't think that the baby like that very much because he squirms around when it happens ha. but he has gotten big enough that Zach can finally really feel the movement and I know he did because he put his hand on my belly last night and when he felt the movement the look a crossed his face was priceless. He couldn't believe he was actually feeling his baby move. It made me so happy that its finally strong enough that it is undeniable that the movement is our baby :)
The first snow fall of the year is what I woke up to this morning! I am very excited for winter but it makes me sad that it has come so early! I mean its still October. I wish it would wait just a bit longer before it snows because we don't get much fall which is my favorite season and it makes me sad. Halloween is almost here and I can not believe how fast the month went! Just flew by to say the least. But anyways back to the snow part, we are working on the house still and we get carpet installed today and its gonna happen in the snow which fully sucks! I am not excited about that part at all. I want the carpet in so that we are one step closer to being done but at the same time having it done in the snow means it could be wet and then that could cause problems later on and I don't like the thought of that since its going in my babies bedroom. But fingers crossed it all goes well! We also picked out the cabinets for the kitchen and have the full layout planned and last night we went and looked at appliances which is fun because I am excited for a cool fridge. That's the part I am looking forward to haha. We are getting closer and closer to getting the house finished!! YAY!!
My adorable belly button that I loved is no more... Its now poking out and feels so weird when it rubs against something, and looks very funny to say the least. But when I push it in I don't think that the baby like that very much because he squirms around when it happens ha. but he has gotten big enough that Zach can finally really feel the movement and I know he did because he put his hand on my belly last night and when he felt the movement the look a crossed his face was priceless. He couldn't believe he was actually feeling his baby move. It made me so happy that its finally strong enough that it is undeniable that the movement is our baby :)
The first snow fall of the year is what I woke up to this morning! I am very excited for winter but it makes me sad that it has come so early! I mean its still October. I wish it would wait just a bit longer before it snows because we don't get much fall which is my favorite season and it makes me sad. Halloween is almost here and I can not believe how fast the month went! Just flew by to say the least. But anyways back to the snow part, we are working on the house still and we get carpet installed today and its gonna happen in the snow which fully sucks! I am not excited about that part at all. I want the carpet in so that we are one step closer to being done but at the same time having it done in the snow means it could be wet and then that could cause problems later on and I don't like the thought of that since its going in my babies bedroom. But fingers crossed it all goes well! We also picked out the cabinets for the kitchen and have the full layout planned and last night we went and looked at appliances which is fun because I am excited for a cool fridge. That's the part I am looking forward to haha. We are getting closer and closer to getting the house finished!! YAY!!
How far
along? 25 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 160 (30 Pounds UGH!)
Maternity clothes? Borrowed Payton's clothes ha
Stretch marks? My poor bum looks awful
Sleep: I was sleeping so well for a while but this past week its been terrible
Best moment this week: When Zach felt the baby jumping around
Have you told family and friends: All my family finally knows and more friends have been told
Miss Anything? Feeling attractive
Movement: He wont move while I am standing but if I am sitting at a laid back angle he moves lots!
Food cravings: It has been Mexican food and now I don't really want to eat.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still no eating pizza or Italian food
Have you started to show yet: I look like I have a ball under my shirt, no more hiding it haha
Names: Zach loves Axel & I like Liam.. We both hate the names each other like
Labor Signs: I get braxton hicks and they suck
Happy or Moody most of the time: My mood at work has gotten better but I am pretty moody at home
Looking forward to: Having the house finished
Total weight gain/loss: 160 (30 Pounds UGH!)
Maternity clothes? Borrowed Payton's clothes ha
Stretch marks? My poor bum looks awful
Sleep: I was sleeping so well for a while but this past week its been terrible
Best moment this week: When Zach felt the baby jumping around
Have you told family and friends: All my family finally knows and more friends have been told
Miss Anything? Feeling attractive
Movement: He wont move while I am standing but if I am sitting at a laid back angle he moves lots!
Food cravings: It has been Mexican food and now I don't really want to eat.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still no eating pizza or Italian food
Have you started to show yet: I look like I have a ball under my shirt, no more hiding it haha
Names: Zach loves Axel & I like Liam.. We both hate the names each other like
Labor Signs: I get braxton hicks and they suck
Happy or Moody most of the time: My mood at work has gotten better but I am pretty moody at home
Looking forward to: Having the house finished
Other News: Today is the first day of snow!
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
23 Years Later
I still cant not believe that I am actually 23 years old! This is the first birthday that I actually feel like I got older on. I am no longer just a kid I am an actual adult! I probably feel this way because I am prego and in a very steady relationship that has now been a year together! I can not believe how fast time has flown! This past year has been a blast but way to fast!
Last year I spend my birthday partying nonstop and going all out and way over the top! Completely worth it though because I got to spend it with the most amazing man who I then thought was the man of my dreams and this year I now know that he is. I feel so lucky to have him in my life! This year he took the time to make sure I felt special on my birthday and got our friends together and took me to dinner and a movie (Which we rarely do so it was a true special occasion!) He spoiled me with the most amazing bubble bath (I cant get enough of those lately) and candles of my favorite scents. (I always have a candle lit where I am at) He also gave me the money to buy prego clothes since he knows how badly I am struggling with it! ha. He is so adorable and sweet to me!
My mother surprised me with toys from when I was just a baby so that my son would be able to play with them! I found that very sweet and adorable! My sister gave me a cook book with the most amazing recipes in it that I am having a blast making! I already loved to cook and clean before but my nesting senses are starting to come in and this book is coming in very handy to say the least. Zach was thrilled for the book because it means I will spend more time in the kitchen :) My grandmother (Moms side) sent me samples of the blanket that she is making for my baby and it is so beautiful! Its in the browns blues and whites and I think its going to be adorable! I cant wait to see it! She also sent money which is being spent on more fun baby stuff as well! My dads mother gave me the most adorable baby outfits that say cute like dad on them! I love them so much but they are so tiny and I have a very strong feeling my baby is going to be huge! So I'm going to go exchange them for a bigger size so he will be able to wear them longer.
I also got to go to lunch with Miss Chis! She even let me pick La Luna, even though that's where I always make her go haha. It was so fun being with her talking about all the exciting things that are going on, she has become such a big part of my life again and it means the world to me because my friends list is getting much smaller now that I dont want to go out. So its wonderful to have her around. We even got to see Parker while we were at lunch which is always a nice surprise. Well that was my 23rd birthday, short and sweet exactly how I wanted it to be.
Last year I spend my birthday partying nonstop and going all out and way over the top! Completely worth it though because I got to spend it with the most amazing man who I then thought was the man of my dreams and this year I now know that he is. I feel so lucky to have him in my life! This year he took the time to make sure I felt special on my birthday and got our friends together and took me to dinner and a movie (Which we rarely do so it was a true special occasion!) He spoiled me with the most amazing bubble bath (I cant get enough of those lately) and candles of my favorite scents. (I always have a candle lit where I am at) He also gave me the money to buy prego clothes since he knows how badly I am struggling with it! ha. He is so adorable and sweet to me!
My mother surprised me with toys from when I was just a baby so that my son would be able to play with them! I found that very sweet and adorable! My sister gave me a cook book with the most amazing recipes in it that I am having a blast making! I already loved to cook and clean before but my nesting senses are starting to come in and this book is coming in very handy to say the least. Zach was thrilled for the book because it means I will spend more time in the kitchen :) My grandmother (Moms side) sent me samples of the blanket that she is making for my baby and it is so beautiful! Its in the browns blues and whites and I think its going to be adorable! I cant wait to see it! She also sent money which is being spent on more fun baby stuff as well! My dads mother gave me the most adorable baby outfits that say cute like dad on them! I love them so much but they are so tiny and I have a very strong feeling my baby is going to be huge! So I'm going to go exchange them for a bigger size so he will be able to wear them longer.
I also got to go to lunch with Miss Chis! She even let me pick La Luna, even though that's where I always make her go haha. It was so fun being with her talking about all the exciting things that are going on, she has become such a big part of my life again and it means the world to me because my friends list is getting much smaller now that I dont want to go out. So its wonderful to have her around. We even got to see Parker while we were at lunch which is always a nice surprise. Well that was my 23rd birthday, short and sweet exactly how I wanted it to be.
20 Weeks 6 days!
Baby Crib Time!
So over the weekend I was spending some time with my sister and we started registering for things for the baby shower and were having quite a bit of fun together. I got to spend lots of time with my niece and nephew which rarely happens so I was pretty stoked on that one. We while we were out we decided to make our last stop be Babinski Baby up on Foothill and well it was the best choice we could have made!
They were in the process of selling off all of the current floor models to make room for this winters collection. Well I started to look around and fell in love with the most beautiful crib! And just to my surprise it was one of the ones on sale! Sadly it was still pretty pricey so I was shown one other that they figured I might like considering how much I like the first one. Well sure enough I found it just as beautiful! It was a sleight bed style that turned into a toddler bed and then to a twin bed after. So it came with all the perks! Then to add to my excitement the crib came with a matching dresser/changing station! I figured because of the addition it would cost even more than the first but oh how wrong was I, it was actually cheaper with both pieces than just the cost of the first crib alone! Filled with happiness I knew I could not pass the deal up!
But the trick would be to convince Zach that he needed to to drive so far to pick up the crib and pay for it which I knew getting both to happen was not going to be easy. Luckily I had my sister who offered her truck and her husband to do the heavy lifting, as soon as Zach heard that he gave me his card number instantly and was thrilled he didn't have to do a thing but show up at the house to help us unload it :)
So now I have the most beautiful $1200.00 crib set for only $600! I am still so happy over it and so is Zach! The closer we get to having the baby the more excited we are getting! Oh how I love him so much already!
They were in the process of selling off all of the current floor models to make room for this winters collection. Well I started to look around and fell in love with the most beautiful crib! And just to my surprise it was one of the ones on sale! Sadly it was still pretty pricey so I was shown one other that they figured I might like considering how much I like the first one. Well sure enough I found it just as beautiful! It was a sleight bed style that turned into a toddler bed and then to a twin bed after. So it came with all the perks! Then to add to my excitement the crib came with a matching dresser/changing station! I figured because of the addition it would cost even more than the first but oh how wrong was I, it was actually cheaper with both pieces than just the cost of the first crib alone! Filled with happiness I knew I could not pass the deal up!
But the trick would be to convince Zach that he needed to to drive so far to pick up the crib and pay for it which I knew getting both to happen was not going to be easy. Luckily I had my sister who offered her truck and her husband to do the heavy lifting, as soon as Zach heard that he gave me his card number instantly and was thrilled he didn't have to do a thing but show up at the house to help us unload it :)
So now I have the most beautiful $1200.00 crib set for only $600! I am still so happy over it and so is Zach! The closer we get to having the baby the more excited we are getting! Oh how I love him so much already!
So I have been failing pretty badly at posting pictures of my growing belly but that's not the worst part.... I have been ever worse at taking them :/ fail!! So my new goal is to make this happen! I figure if I take the picture every Wednesday when I get home from work I can post it Thursday and will be able to stay caught up on where I am! Since I am only 22 weeks currently I still have a while to go and it shouldn't be that bad. I do wish that I would have bought a better chalk board and I think that would have helped. Making my own was a very bad idea haha. Oops!
Well to catch up on my progress I am no longer as sick as I was but pizza is still not a good choice sadly. On the other hand I am in love with Mexican food and hot and spicy things they make me very happy! I swear I have Mexican food every day! If I could I would have La Luna for lunch and dinner and breakfast burritos every morning. I also crave pumpkin flavors like none other! I found a pumpkin spice mix and I drink it everyday in replace of caffeine to help with my slow starts every morning. My last craving is steak, I keep trying to convince Zach to come out to the BBQ and make it with me but there is always a reason to get in the way which super bums me out but I have been surviving. I have to say I do enjoy the fact the my taste buds have been heightened because I am a salt addict and I have rarely used it lately which makes me happy! Less risk of swelling up and retaining to much water. (As if I haven't already gained a crap load of weight!)
My belly and bum and breast are HUGE! My waist is still decently small but trying to get anything over my ass is a fail! and shirts that I figured would still work because they are so lose in the belly wont fit over my boobs or makes them look like they are going to pop out! Haha now normally I wouldn't complain about that part but when it limits what you can wear I have to say it seriously sucks! I can not wait to get home everyday and just rip my pants off and be comfortable!
Well to catch up on my progress I am no longer as sick as I was but pizza is still not a good choice sadly. On the other hand I am in love with Mexican food and hot and spicy things they make me very happy! I swear I have Mexican food every day! If I could I would have La Luna for lunch and dinner and breakfast burritos every morning. I also crave pumpkin flavors like none other! I found a pumpkin spice mix and I drink it everyday in replace of caffeine to help with my slow starts every morning. My last craving is steak, I keep trying to convince Zach to come out to the BBQ and make it with me but there is always a reason to get in the way which super bums me out but I have been surviving. I have to say I do enjoy the fact the my taste buds have been heightened because I am a salt addict and I have rarely used it lately which makes me happy! Less risk of swelling up and retaining to much water. (As if I haven't already gained a crap load of weight!)
My belly and bum and breast are HUGE! My waist is still decently small but trying to get anything over my ass is a fail! and shirts that I figured would still work because they are so lose in the belly wont fit over my boobs or makes them look like they are going to pop out! Haha now normally I wouldn't complain about that part but when it limits what you can wear I have to say it seriously sucks! I can not wait to get home everyday and just rip my pants off and be comfortable!
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Final Ultra Sound
So the big day finally came for us to go and get my 20 week ultra sound to make sure everything with the baby is growing right is coming along correctly as well as getting to find out what I am having..... I was so nervous for all of this to happen that I couldn't sleep the days leading up to the event and I made myself so stressed out over it. The fear of not having a healthy baby or having everything be right scared me so badly I couldnt take it. Then on top of it all I knew how much zach wanted a boy and I was so worried it was going to be a girl and he would be so dissapointed and things would be awkward between because I was not only giving him a child to have to deal with but I was also going to give him a girl... The thought of this just about made me break down in tears it was no bueno at all!
Well some how I made it through all the stress and worry and the day finally arrived for us to head to the hospital. All day I didn't want to talk about what was about to happen or even what I wanted the baby to be I just knew that I was ready for it to be over with so I could know and move on already! Well the time finally came for Zach and I to go and dumbly with my stressed out self I drove us to the big Salt Lake hospital and pretty sure I almost killed us a few times (Oops!) But we made it there safely and on time and thankfully so did my sister and both my mom & dad. We all stayed gathered in the waiting area to be brought back to start this nerve racking experience. When she allowed us to go back to the next waiting area I had to promise that my family would be well behaved and silent if they got to come with (I was originally told I could only bring one person with me but I couldn't pick just one was my problem) She laughed and ushered us back to a small place in the back of the hospital. The sun was so bright beaming through the windows as we made small talk and waited. I felt like I was going to be sick and tired to blame it on not eating but everyone knew I was just getting crazy butterflies. The ultra sound tech walked out and welcomed us into the room pulling a chair close to the top of the bed so Zach could be close to me. I paid down on the bed and pulled my shirt up expecting a cold squirt of gewiness to be put on my belly but to my surprise it was very warm and soft and it helped relax me enough to the point I where every muscle wasn't so tight.Zach placed his hand on my shoulder and held tight to me.
She started to measure things like the head and the body and count strands and explained everything as she went showing me fingers and toes and just how well everything was going in my belly. We watched my baby yawn and stretch out. At first I was confused and asked if it was me or the baby moving and when she said the baby the whole room just gasped with joy and by this point everyone was smiling so big! Everything seemed to be perfect and exactly how it should have been. The ultra sound tech kept having spelling issues and when she took a picture of the arm she put ATM instead. Shortly after that my dad stated that it was going to be a boy, my mother shook her head saying no its not why would you say that? Well in pitching terms they refer to it as your ATM i guess so he automatically assumed that was his sign it was going to be his little ball player. Well everyone got a kick out of that but the ultra sound continued and we got to look at everything for the baby. Well the end came near and she finally asked if I wanted to know the sex of the baby..... I hesitated for a moment but knew how upset everyone would be if I didn't find out and I knew it would stress me out more if I didn't so I calmly agreed and everyone sighed in relief that I said yes......
Well some how I made it through all the stress and worry and the day finally arrived for us to head to the hospital. All day I didn't want to talk about what was about to happen or even what I wanted the baby to be I just knew that I was ready for it to be over with so I could know and move on already! Well the time finally came for Zach and I to go and dumbly with my stressed out self I drove us to the big Salt Lake hospital and pretty sure I almost killed us a few times (Oops!) But we made it there safely and on time and thankfully so did my sister and both my mom & dad. We all stayed gathered in the waiting area to be brought back to start this nerve racking experience. When she allowed us to go back to the next waiting area I had to promise that my family would be well behaved and silent if they got to come with (I was originally told I could only bring one person with me but I couldn't pick just one was my problem) She laughed and ushered us back to a small place in the back of the hospital. The sun was so bright beaming through the windows as we made small talk and waited. I felt like I was going to be sick and tired to blame it on not eating but everyone knew I was just getting crazy butterflies. The ultra sound tech walked out and welcomed us into the room pulling a chair close to the top of the bed so Zach could be close to me. I paid down on the bed and pulled my shirt up expecting a cold squirt of gewiness to be put on my belly but to my surprise it was very warm and soft and it helped relax me enough to the point I where every muscle wasn't so tight.Zach placed his hand on my shoulder and held tight to me.
She started to measure things like the head and the body and count strands and explained everything as she went showing me fingers and toes and just how well everything was going in my belly. We watched my baby yawn and stretch out. At first I was confused and asked if it was me or the baby moving and when she said the baby the whole room just gasped with joy and by this point everyone was smiling so big! Everything seemed to be perfect and exactly how it should have been. The ultra sound tech kept having spelling issues and when she took a picture of the arm she put ATM instead. Shortly after that my dad stated that it was going to be a boy, my mother shook her head saying no its not why would you say that? Well in pitching terms they refer to it as your ATM i guess so he automatically assumed that was his sign it was going to be his little ball player. Well everyone got a kick out of that but the ultra sound continued and we got to look at everything for the baby. Well the end came near and she finally asked if I wanted to know the sex of the baby..... I hesitated for a moment but knew how upset everyone would be if I didn't find out and I knew it would stress me out more if I didn't so I calmly agreed and everyone sighed in relief that I said yes......
Monday, September 17, 2012
Rock Star Baby
Over the weekend I was looking for a cute theme for my baby's room and wondering what I should do. I started going through my friends photos on FB and found one that I am in love with. She had a photo posted of the cutest bottle I have ever seen and I had to ask where she got it from, her hubby Kent then sent me a link and now I am OBSESSED!! Its called the Rock Star Baby Shop and there are a few things on there that I am crazy about!! So expensive which makes me sad so I am going to have to save my pennies so I can buy all the adorable things! But I had to share just a few of the things that I think are beyond adorable!!

Monday, September 10, 2012
My Saving Grace
They say that having a baby only makes the relationship harder, but I feel like I may be the exception to that rule. I know that the baby isn't here yet so I cant say this for sure of course. I can say though that the further along I get the closer Zach and I become. He is the one thing in my life that doesn't stress me out or cause me to just start crying. There are moments where I get angry with him and then I realize that I'm just emotional and I need to calm down because there is no reason to over react. (My sister taught me well to realize when I'm the problem and I just need to walk away cause my hormones just suck right now haha) Beyond that factor of course, Zach makes me so happy and helps me get through these tough times. He just knows when something is wrong and wont even ask questions, he just makes some sort of comment he knows will make me smile and then will rub my shoulders or just let me lean on him for a minute. He truly is the most amazing man I have ever let into my life, besides my dad of course. I'm grateful to have him and everything he does for me.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Football Season is Back!
For me the real first day of fall is the day that football season kicks off. (Even if it is just college).
The smell of hot dogs and kettle corn fill the air as you first walk into the crowed stadium for that first game. Everyone is buzzing about how its going to be a great season and we are going all the way this year with the new fresh start. Its still warm outside with the late summer sun beating down that it feels good to reach in the ice bin and pull out the water to help keep you hydrated and your throat wet as you prepare your vocals to get loud during the game. You walk around the concessions to see if there is anything new added this season and watch all of the excited fans pile in as it gets closer to the coin toss.
You can feel the rush of your heart beat as you make your way through the portal and see that green grass with the freshly painted white lines so crisp and bright in the afternoon light. Trying to hold back your excitement at this point it impossible because the grin on your face can reach both ears at this point. You take those few steps up and find your seat, this is going to be the seat you are going to watch history in the making from. Eager for everything to start you watch the time clock wind down slowly ticking as each team takes the field, the roar is so loud you can feel it as if it was a small earth quake announcing the game is about to begin.
Stadium is silent for just a moment and then the rumbling starts. The teams have taken their places on the field and the ball has been kicked, you watch it soar in the air till finally its caught by the receiver and he starts to make his escape. He seems home free till the sudden crunch of helmets stops him in his tracks.
First down! The game ticks on and each play brings the ball closer and closer to the end zone in attempt to get points on the glowing board of approval. the sun slowly sets and as the night falls and the stadium lights are turned on the crowd gets a whole new burst of energy and the cheering gets to level of loud. Touch downs and fields goals! The score keeps rising as the clock keeps ticking.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012
16 Weeks
How far along? 16 Weeks & 5 Days
Total weight gain/loss: 145 Pounds (I gained another pound in a weeks :(
Maternity clothes? I only have one pair of jeans that currently still fit and I have to use an elastic because they no longer button :/
Stretch marks? None so far and I finally got amazing belly cream! Now I just need to remember to use it!
Sleep: Still waking up to pee lots.
Best moment this week: When Zach checked the Chinese signs to see if it would be a boy or girl (Its says a boy)
Have you told family and friends: No one new found out this week.
Miss Anything? Lately I have been missing living on my own downtown.
Movement: More popcorn movement! (It could be just gas through)
Food cravings: Steak, cereal, cheese.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I ate spam and I really wish I wouldn't have....
Have you started to show yet: I look like I have a pillow shoved up my shirt.
Gender prediction: Zach still thinks its a boy and I'm getting girl vibes
Labor Signs: Thought I might have been going into premature labor Saturday night but it turns out I have hurt the ligaments in my belly.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Lots of crying over the weekend but mostly a happy week.
Looking forward to: Halloween so that I can paint a pumpkin on my belly & carve one as well!
Total weight gain/loss: 145 Pounds (I gained another pound in a weeks :(
Maternity clothes? I only have one pair of jeans that currently still fit and I have to use an elastic because they no longer button :/
Stretch marks? None so far and I finally got amazing belly cream! Now I just need to remember to use it!
Sleep: Still waking up to pee lots.
Best moment this week: When Zach checked the Chinese signs to see if it would be a boy or girl (Its says a boy)
Have you told family and friends: No one new found out this week.
Miss Anything? Lately I have been missing living on my own downtown.
Movement: More popcorn movement! (It could be just gas through)
Food cravings: Steak, cereal, cheese.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I ate spam and I really wish I wouldn't have....
Have you started to show yet: I look like I have a pillow shoved up my shirt.
Gender prediction: Zach still thinks its a boy and I'm getting girl vibes
Labor Signs: Thought I might have been going into premature labor Saturday night but it turns out I have hurt the ligaments in my belly.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Lots of crying over the weekend but mostly a happy week.
Looking forward to: Halloween so that I can paint a pumpkin on my belly & carve one as well!
Other News: Justin & Kirsten got married over the weekend and the wedding was a blast!
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Week 15!
How faralong? 15 Weeks 6 days
Total weight gain/loss: 144 Pounds (14 Pound gain)
Maternity clothes? Still avoiding it.
Stretch marks? None yet but my tummy is getting tighter.
Sleep: I woke up 7 times to pee last night!
Best moment this week: Getting to hear the strong and fast heart beat at my doctors appointment.
Have you told family and friends: I told Tiffany this week.
Miss Anything? Being able to wear jeans.
Movement: Nothing this week
Food cravings: Pom ice cream from red mango!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Eating to much spam
Have you started to show yet: I am getting harder to hide.
Gender prediction: My mother thinks its a girl because of the fast heartbeat.
Labor Signs: None at all
Happy or Moody most of the time: Mostly sleepy and emotional
Looking forward to: Sleeping in on the weekend!
Total weight gain/loss: 144 Pounds (14 Pound gain)
Maternity clothes? Still avoiding it.
Stretch marks? None yet but my tummy is getting tighter.
Sleep: I woke up 7 times to pee last night!
Best moment this week: Getting to hear the strong and fast heart beat at my doctors appointment.
Have you told family and friends: I told Tiffany this week.
Miss Anything? Being able to wear jeans.
Movement: Nothing this week
Food cravings: Pom ice cream from red mango!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Eating to much spam
Have you started to show yet: I am getting harder to hide.
Gender prediction: My mother thinks its a girl because of the fast heartbeat.
Labor Signs: None at all
Happy or Moody most of the time: Mostly sleepy and emotional
Looking forward to: Sleeping in on the weekend!
Other News: Keith sold the house this week and and has to be out by September 1st. Slightly stressing out about and just want our house finished already!
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