As most everyone who knows me well knows that I am hardly is ever in town. Every chance Zach and I get we are either lake side, the cabin in Montana, or in the desert. I used to take that for granted how many fun oportunities that Zach is able to give me but the past couple of months I have really started to appreciate it. I love being able to get away and just enjoy true family time with him and play with my son in the great outdoors.

This past weekend we went to Yuba lake her in Utah and brought along a few friends. During this time I was able to get to know my new friend Chelsea a bit more on the personal friend side and Im really enjoying having her as a friend. She is a great person and is teaching me that I can still have so much fun and be free spirited with out being under the influence. She has had a really rough few months and she is not letting that bring her down in the least. She has such an adventurous and beautiful soul that is hard not to want to be around her. There is so much goodness about her that you know where ever she lands in life she is going to do amazing or in my own words amazeballs :) I also got the opportunity to repair my friendship with Vanessa. She is also a great person and I am sad that over this past year we missed out on so much together because of the judgement I held against her when I my reasoning in doing so was pointless and almost cruel. She is a very delightful person and spending time with her, Ruben, and their son is actually very nice. They have such high goals and the true drive to have things in life and not just piss away the chances they have to better their lives. This is rare to find in people these days and its nice to know that there is a couple out there that both Zach and I enjoy being around. I look forward to watching my friendships with both Chelsea and Vanessa grow as we spend more time together learning from each other and enjoying the great qualities we all share.

Lake side fun is always nice and relaxing but this trip was so different. It gave me the opportunity to see that you shouldn't have to force a friendship that it should come naturally and those who want to be in your life will be there and make great memories. Those who take you for granted will only be there when it benefits them and that's about it. Loyalty to me is one of the most important qualities a person can have, some times it can get lost along the road with out realizing it but there is always room for a second chance.
There were also some other personal high lights about being on the lake. My wake boarding skills are getting better but I swear I need to duct tape my hands to the rope because I freak out and let go. FAIL! ha. And for the first time I truly tried to wake surf and started from the water and got right up! My original reason why I was even out there on the surf board was to 'body surf' as a joke which was actually a lot of fun so I figured hell why not try the surf from the water. SO MUCH easier and was actually a lot of fun. Proud moment in life :) We also had some scary moments of the close encounters with the fishies! They were everywhere and jumping like crazy! Zach took myself, Chelsea, Vanessa, and the two babies over to a cove to just float and jump in the water which was wonderful until we started touching things in the water and that was no longer ok haha. We would float with our legs up and our feet as far out of the water as we could get, pretty sure we looked a bit like we were going into labor. But it was truly a fun time. We took some GoPro video that we are going to try and make into one quick film with all of our clips, I will post it as soon as I can but until then here are some photos that high light our trip.
I love my weekend life with Zach and our cute family!